Wakatipu High School's Gifted Education programme is committed to supporting students to achieve to their full potential.
The programme is committed to supporting students through the provision of opportunities to enhance their learning and foster curiosity. Our teaching and learning community challenges and encourages the pursuit of excellence and the development of passion for lifelong learning.
Gifted Education at WHS Wakatipu High School uses a multifaceted approach to providing for gifted and talented students through a differentiated approach. This includes:
A timetable structure that supports students to choose classes and courses that best meet student individual needs.
Personalised teaching and learning programmes that endeavour to offer student choice and enable the self-managing student to accelerate their learning.
A range of specialist option choices such as the ‘Critical Thinking’ (5ACTH) in Junior Social Sciences and ‘Passions and Pathways’ in Years 12 and 13.
Extension and Scholarship classes, including University Mathematics.
Subject acceleration
Extracurricular talent development through cultural and sporting activities
To view our presentation from the Gifted Education information evening click here.
Gifted Education Policy
Aim To identify and address the needs of gifted and talented students at Wakatipu High School.
Definition Wakatipu High School Gifted Education students are defined as those who have the ability or potential to perform at a level significantly beyond their chronologically aged peers. They demonstrate potential or ability in one or more from a range of areas which may include, but is not limited to, one or more of the following:
Academic / Intellectual / Mātauranga
Creative / Innovative
Cultural / Tikanga
Kaitiakitanga / Guardianship
Leadership / Rangatiratanga / Social
Manaakitanga / Hospitality
Physical / Sporting / Tinana
Tohungatanga / Expertise
Whanaungatanga / Values
Wairuatanga / Spirituality
Wakatipu High School is part of a diverse and multi-cultural community and we recognise that students from any background may have outstanding abilities or potential related to their specific beliefs, values, or practices.
Identification Within our group of gifted students, there is a range of ability from mildly to profoundly gifted.
Formal and informal methods of identification will be used and triangulated to identify Gifted Education students at WHS. Students may be nominated and considered at various times throughout their time at school. WHS will employ a range of tools to identify Gifted Education students which may include, but is not limited to, one or more of the following:
New entrants assessment (CEM English, Mathematics and Reasoning Skills)
e-asTTle, PAT, STwE, and other learning area assessments
Overall Teacher Judgement (OTJ) data from contributing schools
Nominations from parent, teacher, self or peer
The WHS Gifted Education committee will consist of a Gifted Education Coordinator, member of SLT, Guidance Counsellor and middle manager who will consider students for Gifted Education and will determine, in consultation with the student and parents/guardians, the most appropriate programmes to meet the student’s needs. If a student is being considered for acceleration, then the relevant Head of Learning Area (HoLA) or appropriate Learning Area member will be co-opted to the committee. The Gifted Education committee may co-opt other specialists as appropriate.
"No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings.” - William Blake
The Gifted Education Programme is philosophically:
Designed to challenge students, empower them, encourage risk taking, develop creative and critical thinking, foster independent learning and leadership, build individual accountability and the pursuit of excellence
Committed to supporting the social, emotional and cultural needs of students
Dynamic in our approach to identifying and creating specialised programs to meet the individual needs of Gifted Education students including those who are double labelled (twice exceptional) or under achieving
One which supports teachers to provide differentiated programming and align with current research on best practice for Gifted Education students
One which recognises that high levels of gifted potential, prevalent in primary school, may not have yet transformed into talents and responds with flexible Gifted Education program provision
One that facilitates parent/whanau partnerships and student advocacy
Indicators & Identification
A multi-method identification process is used, this includes:
Affective data on characteristics and behaviour of gifted students
Initial screening - test scores, such as CEM, PAT or e-AsTTle
Academic records, work samples, such as ICAS results
Collaborative data from parents/ whānau/students/teachers/counsellors
Māori Profiles for Gifted Education
REACH Screening Checklist and Teacher Questionnaire
Secondary School Teacher Checklist for Identifying Students with High Ability
Understanding and/or performance beyond that of peers
Persistent intellectual curiosity
Superior quality of written and/or spoken vocabulary
Creative and divergent thinker, shows originality in thinking sophisticated reasoning powers and ability to manipulate ideas
Strong sense of justice and humour
Task commitment to a chosen topic of interest and desire to work independently on self-selected projects
Exceptional memory
Learns at a faster pace than peers
Intense, perceptive, and sensitive
Gagne's Differentiated Model of Gifted & Talented
Acceleration at WHS
Any student can be nominated at any time for acceleration. The acceleration process at Wakatipu High School is very thorough and consists of a parent survey, review of the marks that students have achieved in their target subject, student feedback and commentary as well as teacher feedback. This information then comes to a review committee who make the final decision based on the information and thorough discussion. The Acceleration Review Committee consists of the Head of Learning Area, the Gifted Coordinator, the Head of Learning Support, the Guidance Counsellor, and the Senior Deputy Principal. If the review comes out favourable and a place is offered then it is just an option and there is absolutely no obligation for the nominated student to take it up. Within our group of gifted students, there is a range of ability from mildly to profoundly gifted. Many of the needs of these students will be met through differentiated teaching and learning and our existing programmes. Gifted Education students who are highly gifted may be considered for acceleration. Other options include extension beyond the classroom through a range of co curricular and extracurricular opportunities. To be considered for acceleration (subject or full-year) highly gifted students will be assessed across the following criteria:
Academic Ability, Aptitude, and Achievement;
School and Academic Factors;
Developmental Factors;
Interpersonal Skills;
Attitude and Support.
Students who are accelerated are expected to achieve to the Excellence Level in the accelerated subject(s)
If a student is currently, and expected to continue, achieving at the Excellence level, then they may continue with their acceleration in that subject.
If a student is currently achieving at the Merit level, then a conversation will be had between the student, parents/caregivers, and relevant Learning Area. Based on this discussion and the expectation of excellence, a decision will be made by the Learning Area, which may result in a range of options such as continuing to be accelerated or repeating the subject.
Students who are achieving below Merit level should not continue to be accelerated and a discussion to that effect will be had.
Extracurricular Activities
At WHS extracurricular activities form an important part of the educational experience of our students. We have an ambitious goal of having 85% of Year 9 and new students involved in some form of extracurricular activity each year. It helps our students to build connections, a sense of whanaungatanga and belonging. Our extracurricular activities offer enhancement opportunities to supplement learning and personal growth within the classroom.
News and Competitions
Competitions throughout the year will be listed on the ‘Curious Minds’ Classroom page(cgizhbc) and be promoted via the newsletter.
For more information regarding any of the above, please contact the Gifted Education Coordinator, Mr Logan Rae.