Expectations The community at large has an expectation that the school upholds its standards of behaviour and dress, not only while students are at school, but also at other times when participating in a school activity outside of the school, travelling to or from school, or whenever they are identifiable as members of the school (whether in school uniform or not).
For this reason, the Board of Trustees has adopted the following policies and regulations:
Students will only be enrolled on the strict understanding that they will adhere to the rules and regulations outlined in the prospectus.
When signing an enrolment form, parents/caregivers accept these rules and regulations and the school’s right to enforce them while students are at school, in school uniform, moving to and from school, at all school activities or school-related activities including sports fixtures.
The school's code of behaviour is based on common sense, concern for others, and acceptable standards of behaviour.
We all have a duty to our community to promote and conduct ourselves in a positive manner.
We believe that young people must learn to accept full responsibility for their own actions and to realise that what they do often affects other people.
Out of School Behaviour The Board of Trustees of Wakatipu High School reserves the right to implement disciplinary action towards any enrolled student of Wakatipu High School for inappropriate behaviour or conduct.
This applies outside of school hours from the time the student leaves home (i.e. parent or caregiver care) until the time the student returns home (i.e. into his/her parent or caregiver care).
This policy also relates to all associated school activities and whether or not the student is dressed in mufti or school uniform.
Wakatipu High School Values Students are expected to act in a manner that reflects Wakatipu High School Values.
Please see the rules below.More detailed information on many school policies and procedures can be found at school docs.Please sign in using username: 'wakatipu' and password 'Ad Alta' (please note 'Ad Alta' includes a space).
Attendance is compulsory. Holidays should not be taken during term time. Attendance is compulsory at all school activities including events such as Participation Day, Matatu, and prize givings unless otherwise advised. All absences must be explained by communication to the attendance officer from a parent or guardian ([email protected]).
A medical certificate may be required for extended illness/injury, or as per the assessment policy.
Students are to refer to the assessment guidelines for information around absence and NCEA assessment.
Note: Students in Year 12 and 13 must have less than 5% of unexplained absences at the time tickets are on sale to be eligible to attend formal (this also applies for Year 13 graduation).
Wakatipu High School has a zero tolerance approach to bullying (refer BoT policy). This includes but is not limited to: verbal, physical and via the use of technology (refer to BoT policy). Any bullying that has an effect on students will be followed up by Wakatipu High School regardless of the time at which the incident occurred.
School uniform must be worn correctly and completely from the time students leave home until the time they return home (or fully change out of uniform after school). This includes during physical education.
Possessing, supplying, and consuming drugs, alcohol, or products used for smoking/vaping, is not permitted at any time while students are under the care of Wakatipu High School (refer to BoT policy).
Any student found to be misusing a vehicle will be reported to the Police.
Students must abide by the road rules, and keep themselves and others safe.
Students must obey the rules about Restricted Licenses. Breaking the law will be notified to the Police.
Only Student Leaders are permitted to park in the student parking zone. Students are not to park in the Staff/Visitor park/Drop-off parking. Ticketing may apply and parking privileges may be removed. Students are only permitted to use vehicles to get to and from school and for permitted school events or appointments. Students are not to use vehicles during break times.
Damage as a result of negligence or mischief will be charged to the student concerned.
Boundaries are the posts to the North, East, West and the road to the South.
Students are not permitted in the car parks during the school day.
Only Year 13 students may leave the school grounds during Break time (no driving). During class period times students may not leave the grounds unless they sign out with a note from parent/caregiver.
Treat all devices with care. Students are to follow teacher and support staff’s instructions, use devices to support learning, and keep passwords secure. Refer to the BYOD “Rights and Responsibilities” Document.
Student cellphones are to be 'away for the day', meaning cellphones either do not come with the student to school (recommended), or are switched off and in their bags during the full school day, unless explicitly permitted by a teacher to support learning. For clarity:
It is important to note that if students do make the decision to bring a cellphone to the school grounds, they do so at their own risk. The school is not responsible for any loss or damage caused to any cellphone.
Students with additional learning needs who use cellphones in class to increase or improve their ability to participate and learn may be granted an exemption. In matters related to these or to a student's immediate health and safety concerns, a parent or caregiver can apply at any time to the Deputy Principal (Ryan Gilbertson) for a period of exemption. If a student does bring their cellphone for emergency contact or health reasons, these must be switched to silent and kept in bags at all times, unless directed by a teacher.
Education outside the classroom (EOTC) and extracurricular activities: Students can take cellphones on day / overnight trips. Usage will be at the discretion of teachers and other adult supervisors.
Junior Camps: Cellphones are not to be brought into or used during Junior school camps such as Greenstone and Branches. There will be an exemption mechanism for students requiring them for health and other reasons overseen by the Camp Manager.
We understand that some parents like their children to have a phone to communicate with them during breaks and after school, you will still be able to do this. Students will be able to use their cellphones at the main Reception and Student Services for this purpose. Additionally, if a parent or caregiver needs to contact their child urgently during the day, they should call the office.
We appreciate that some students need to use the PayWave function on their phone. Students can use cellphones for this purpose at the Foyer cafe and Ōrau (Outdoor) cafe if needed.
Students are always encouraged to regulate themselves and develop healthy in-person relationships. In circumstances where a member of staff considers the device to be a harmful, disruptive, or distracting influence or that usage has breached the school cellphone rules the result will be confiscation for the rest of the school day. The device will then be retrieved by the student after school and the inappropriate use recorded on our student management system. Students who repeatedly breach this rule are subject to the school’s disciplinary procedures, which includes escalation for repeated transgressions.
Breaches of the cellphone rules include (but not limited to):
Using the device when not permitted
Any sort of bullying, including online bullying
Taking photos or videos of other people without their permission
Forwarding inappropriate messages or content
Students who behave in a manner not consistent with the Wakatipu High School values and/or behaviour expectations are subject to the school’s disciplinary procedures, which includes escalation for repeated transgressions.